Churches in Edinburgh are able to offer Sunday services with strictly limited numbers, social distancing measures and contact details required for track and trace. However, many churches have started on-line services broadcast on their websites. Please go to Church Listings and Find a Church near You for links to individual church websites for more information. Below are links to the main offices of the members of Edinburgh Churches Together, all with updates on the coronavirus, as well as some other links that may be useful. We hope and pray that churches and places of worship will be fully open again as soon as possible but in the meantime Stay Safe.
Church of Scotland
Catholic Church
Methodist Church
Scottish Episcopal Church
Salvation Army
United Reformed Church
United Free Church
NHS Health Scotland
Age UK
Young Scot
City of Edinburgh Council
Edinburgh Churches Together was formed over 25 years ago and brings together Church of Scotland, Scottish Episcopal Church, the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church, the Salvation Army, Religious Society of Friends, United Free Church and the United Reformed Church. It enables different denominations to work together locally in areas of shared concern but still maintain their own identity. As well as encouraging churches to relate and communicate with one another, ECT also works with the City of Edinburgh Council and other bodies including the Edinburgh Interfaith Association. Together we:
- jointly address issues of concern and interest within our city and beyond
- support each other in times of challenge and celebration
- provide a meeting point between the Christian Church and the City
- encourage local congregations to work together
- share resources, ideas, insights and best practice
- create city scale projects and events as a witness to the presence of Christ in Edinburgh
Read our latest Newsletter We publish a newsletter every two months with news and information about ecumenical events, gatherings and goings on in the city. We also publicise events on Facebook and Twitter so please follow us and like us! If you’d like to subscribe to our free newsletter then please contact us.